It's Tuesday and yes we have another beauty to feature! There are so many fields to get into in technology, and women are at the helm of it all. A network engineer has the awesome task of focusing on high level design, planning and implementation of computer networks. Billye B is one of them. Scanning through my women in tech feed on instagram, I came across her page and thought "there goes another hot tech!!" I've always wanted to delve into networking in some way, and she made it appeal to be much more interesting than I imagined. What appealed to me the most is her helpful spirit. Her goal is to help empower interest and engagement in STEM careers for newbies to reach their full potential. So let's get to know Billye,
Tell me about yourself
I am currently a Network Engineer and tech blogger who loves teaching tweens and professionals how to unlock innovative and fulfilling careers through my workshops and digital products.
What made you choose the tech industry as a profession?
I chose the tech profession because I wanted to design a better life for my family. I have been interested in engineering from a young age and rekindled my spark for technology as a means to explore my creativity.
What challenges if any, have you faced as a female in your field?
My personal experience of being a woman in the engineering field has opened my eyes to the terrible lack of female presence in this industry. I have experienced being the only female on the engineering team. Having other women blaze the tech path in a position before you eases the fact that you are the first, in an environment where everyone will ultimately adjust to.
What are you currently working on that you would love to share?
I will be releasing a much anticipated eBook on June 30th. This eBook will simplify the steps it will take to get you into the tech world, even for those that don’t have experience. I get asked a lot about how I got into tech. I designed my path and share information for others to do the same for themselves.
How important is STEM for young girls?
My vision for this project is to help young women be confident that they can choose any career they want. The key to increasing the amount of women in the field of engineering and stem is to get them interested at a young age.
What advice would you want to give girls or even women getting into the tech field?
You may look around and no one else looks like you. The environment might seem cold and uninviting. Sometimes you might have to be the first. But don’t ever give up because there is a young girl wanting to be where you are see that you did it and she can too!
What are some of your hobbies?
My hobbies include studying for the latest IT certifications and summertime gardening
Give us a glimpse of a day in the life of Billye?
I work in an office environment where I monitor critical network systems . In this role there can be a lot of pressure, especially when multiple systems are alerting. The day typically concludes with a hot meal then research for my blog or extra study to further develop my tech skills.
What is one manta you live by?
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw (via Tara)
So there you have it! Check out Billye here